Monday, January 29, 2007

Field Trip

I see I wasn't the only one at the Conservatory...

Sensor "failure" images

My 4 year old p&s digital camera began to exhibit signs of sensor failure a couple months ago. The preview picture on the LCD began moving and wavering like a TV going on the blink. I could record the images although it was like making a close-up picture of water on a moving river - the image field distortions kept changing and what I recorded was not precisely what I saw when pushing the shutter. Typically there is a strong magenta cast, which I have reduced with software for these images. Unfortunately, the camera sensor completely died several weeks after it started doing all this. I am pretty excited about the image quality and made as many as I could when it was happening:

leaves and shrubs

up through trees

leaf close-up

self portrait

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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Interesting Reading

I've been following a few interesting blogs lately that I've found both informative and inspirational.....and I'd like to share them with you....
Take a few moments, check them out...I think you'll find them as interesting as I do:

Art & Perception
The best way to describe this site is as an on-going conversation about art it its various mediums and forms. There is critique as well as discussion here, a lot of talk about artistic process...I love it.

Drinking With a Dead Man
This is photographer John Loomis' blog. He's a freelance photographer who's work can be found in People, Newsweek, NY Times, ESPN Magazine---to name a few. He gives a lot of insight about the ins and outs of being a pro freelance photographer, and he's just a great writer, it's always entertaining. He's really nice too.

Paul Lester
A blog by, you guessed it, Paul Lester....interesting writing, always thought provoking...great images too.

A lot like the above, but this time by Paul Butzi....he's smart, talented, and thoughtful. I read this one everyday.

The Landscapist

This one will make you's awesome

Jez Coulson
This is just a regular photoblog, but by a professional photojournalist. Sometimes it's just random shots from his archive...sometimes he posts images from assignments he's worked on. He totally rocks and is a super nice guy too.

Alec Soth
One of the most popular photography websites on the internet....
Not always about photography, but always interesting

and last but not least...

The Online Photographer

Every photographer with an internet connection should read this....probably THE most popular photo website on the 'net....
plus, I'm one of the contributors :)

Monday, January 01, 2007

Conservatory Trip

It has taken me forever to get around to posting some pics from the trip to the FPC. Unfortunately the field trip was only attended by me, so maybe after we all get our normal lives back after the holidays we can begin to plan another??